It was the first class meeting of this subject. This subject is usually called UET, it is simpler than the complete name. I was surprised when I knew that Mam Luz is the lecturer for this subject. She was my lecturer in semester 1 (IELL subject). In semester 1, she switched English and Indonesian in teaching and explaining materials, but for this subject which is in semester 3 she teaches and explains fully English.
This subject talks about how to say something grammatically correct and meaningful in classroom context. Before I knew this subject, I never tough that there are some guidelines to face students in classroom when students come late, don not bring their books, do not do homework and many other conditions. Those are discussed here. As a great English candidate teacher, it is not enough to speak fluently, but also it is important to know how to give the clear instruction for students.
I hope I will be able to do every single assignment well. Bismillahirrahmanirrahiim...
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Semangat kerja hari pertama (Wed, Day 64)
Aku pagi bangun jam 9nan lewat. Sengaja, tadi pagi ngantuk banget. Langsung siap-siap dandan cantik buat kerja hari pertama ke kampus sama T...
Sejujurnya, gak banyak yang aku ingat di hari Selasa ini. Aku ini nulisnya di malem Senin. Udah lewat waktu sebetulnya. Daripada bolong, men...
Akhir pekan kami masih berlanjut. Meskipun semaleman tidurku kurang nyaman, kaki berasa ngilu banget. Kecapean kayanya jalan kesana kemari n...
Setelah kemaren meluangkan waktu buat bersantai dikit sama temen-temen, hari ini waktunya bangkit mengejar yang kemarin sempet tertunda. Be...
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