- Introduce the kids to sounds of Hijaiyah letters. Find out a simple and fun song of Hijaiyah letters on YouTube. Once you search the keywords of "Hijayah Letters Song", you might find a lot of songs there. You can refer to this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7K3B9m2kXM. The more the song is sung with the kids, the more familiar the kids are with at least the sounds of Hijaiyah letters.
- Introduce the kids to the shapes/writing of Hijaiyah letters. I have got an eBook that parents can refer to. You can print this out and daily guide your kids to trace and write. Here is the link Belajar Menulis Huruf Hijaiyah 1 http://ia600203.us.archive.org/3/items/bam_menulis_613/belajar_menulis_huruf_hijaiyah_1.pdf
- Become a role model for your kids in reading Qur'an. Take your kids beside you when you are reading Qur'an. Even though you're not sure or confident about your reading, or may be you read so slowly, don't worry, what you're doing already becomes a motivation for your kids to be like you. How wonderful it is looking at parents reading the complicated and difficult Arabic writing in the Holy Qur'an.
Well, whenever we start, it's never late as long as we're still able to take a breath and our heart is beating.
For Private Qur'an Lesson, please contact:
Siti Fitriah
Phone: (+62)857-5856-6433
Email: siti.fitriah71@gmail.com
Facebook: Siti Fitriah Musadad
Siti Fitriah
Phone: (+62)857-5856-6433
Email: siti.fitriah71@gmail.com
Facebook: Siti Fitriah Musadad