Thursday, January 19, 2017

For Parents: How to Start Teaching Kids Qur'an

I'm sure that all Muslim parents want their kids to be able to read Qur'an. Even it's not only a matter of want, but it's parents' obligation to make sure that their kids learn about Islam and be able to read Qur'an, the Holy Book of Muslims. It doesn't take a short time of course. By giving the knowledge of Islam and Qur'an, hopefully the kids are becoming sholih and sholihah who always pray for the parents. For those parents who consider themselves for not having adequate competence in teaching Qur'an, they can take the kids to any TPA (Informal educational institution of Qur'an for kids) or to any courses of Qur'an. However, here is the simple steps that parents can do at home with their kids:
  1. Introduce the kids to sounds of Hijaiyah letters. Find out a simple and fun song of Hijaiyah letters on YouTube. Once you search the keywords of "Hijayah Letters Song", you might find a lot of songs there. You can refer to this link The more the song is sung with the kids, the more familiar the kids are with at least the sounds of Hijaiyah letters.
  2. Introduce the kids to the shapes/writing of Hijaiyah letters. I have got an eBook that parents can refer to. You can print this out and daily guide your kids to trace and write. Here is the link Belajar Menulis Huruf Hijaiyah 1
  3. Become a role model for your kids in reading Qur'an. Take your kids beside you when you are reading Qur'an. Even though you're not sure or confident about your reading, or may be you read so slowly, don't worry, what you're doing already becomes a motivation for your kids to be like you. How wonderful it is looking at parents reading the complicated and difficult Arabic writing in the Holy Qur'an.
Well, whenever we start, it's never late as long as we're still able to take a breath and our heart is beating.

For Private Qur'an Lesson, please contact:
Siti Fitriah
Phone: (+62)857-5856-6433
Facebook: Siti Fitriah Musadad

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Where to Learn Reading Qur'an?

I started learning to read Qur'an since I was about 5 year-old. My home was close to a Mushalla where it had TPA (an informal educational institution for kids and teens) in every evening. My parents also became my teachers at home, every time after Magrib prayer.

You too, you can start learning to read Qur'an by joining any TPA, like what I attended. Usually masjid or mushalla has this kind of program for especially the neighborhood. Try to find one around your living area. It is fun to join because we can have such good friends with the people around our home.

If not, you can come to anyone around your home who can teach you. Normally the one who is good in reading Qur'an would be pleased when any one visits her/him to learn Qur'an. Or you can invite her/him to your house. Even if possible, ask your friends to join with you too, so it would be fun to study with friends.

The other option is to join any Qur'an courses. You can find a lot of information about it on the internet and decide the one which is reachable and affordable for you. Here, your schedule will be arranged in particular period of time.

However, it would be great if first you ask your parents to teach you before trying some alternatives above. I am sure your parents know what you need to do next.

For Private Qur'an Lesson, please contact:
Siti Fitriah
Phone: (+62)857-5856-6433
Facebook: Siti Fitriah Musadad

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Why Learn to Read Qur'an?

When I was a kid,  I didn't have any idea why my Dad took me to Taman Pendidikan Al-Qur'an (TPA) - a kind of informal educational institution of Qur'an for kids and teens. Not only that, my Dad used to ask me reading Qur'an in front of him after Magrib prayer so that he could correct any mistakes that I made.

Now, I am so grateful for those learning experiences. I am now able to recite Qur'an well, insya Allah. And I have just realized the importance of learning to read Qur'an:

  • 10 Rewards for each letter of Qur'an that I read for my saving in the hereafter.
  • Reading Qur'an is one of proofs that I love Allah swt. and Rasulullah saw.  
  • The ability of reading Qur'an makes me interested in learning more what is in the Holy Qur'an
  • Many beautiful prayers that I can practice every day, especially pray for me and my parents
  • Many great stories of the life in the past with lots of lesson learned

Let's start learning to read Qur'an. May Allah saw. help us and make it easy. Aammiin.

For Private Qur'an Lesson, please contact:
Siti Fitriah
Phone: (+62)857-5856-6433
Facebook: Siti Fitriah Musadad

Semangat kerja hari pertama (Wed, Day 64)

Aku pagi bangun jam 9nan lewat. Sengaja, tadi pagi ngantuk banget. Langsung siap-siap dandan cantik buat kerja hari pertama ke kampus sama T...