Monday, November 27, 2017

Thor: Ragnarok (A Reflection)

Last week I saw Thor alone at cinema. It was completely funny, starting from the first to the last part of the movie. The cinema was full of laughter; only a few people there though. I loved it. Before watching, I heard a friend of mine said that the movie was full of comedy with a few actions. Well, indeed. Anyway, during watching the movie, this movie reminded me of my father, the one who has passed away leaving me and family just like how Odin left in the movie.

A father is always an important person for his children
Remember when Thor and Loki were trying to find where their father was? They both wanted to bring him back home to Asgard. That is how a father is for their children. No matter how the children have grown up, they do still need a father in their life. Just like me. What for? of course for many things, to be a friend for discussion, to consult with, to get some advices, to hear stories, to be a mood booster, to repair anything broken, to make things, to get some strength and many others. Too many roles that a father does to mention. This is why Thor always got more energy and power to get up, seeing the figure of his father within himself, every time he was down And you see, even though Thor and Loki got their own strength and power, they still needed their father's companion; to be with them at home.

A father isn't immortal, sooner or later he is gone
I still can imagine when Odin was gone. He disappeared into dust (not sure if it was dust or ash). Thor and Loki were terribly sad. They both wanted him to stay. It was how I felt knowing my father was gone. It was even worst because I couldn't see him in his last minutes and seconds. It was just too hard to let him go. Once I was home, many people there around my father's dead body. I really wanted him to get back to life. I wanted him to stay and live forever with me. I did want him to be  alive forever with me. It is how it is, isn't it? we always want our parents to live forever and ever, and never think about every single moment without their presence,  not until the death is coming to take them away. On the day my father was gone, people told me to sincerely let him go but who cares? They didn't know how I felt. I didn't listen to them at all. I didn't care. I didn't want him to go. Well however, as time goes by I have been trying to understand that his time is over, his job is done, it is time for him to take a rest. A lot of beautiful stories about his death has made me happy for him. Also, he always visits me in my dream though. I will see you again, Bapak.

A father is leaving at the right time
In one part of the movie, Thor was feeling powerless, moreover after his dad had left, to defeat the enemy. It was like he could not do anything without his dad, Odin the protector of Nine Realms, especialy with the threat of his big sister,  Hela. He got even more powerless once his hammer was destroyed into pieces by his sister. He thought he couldn't do anything without his hammer. At this moment, Thor was upset with all of his weaknesses and powerlessness to defeat Hela whose such a super power. In this difficult situation, Odin ensured Thor that he was stronger; even though he thought that Hela was impossible to be defeated by him. Odin even had no doubt that Thor could beat her. And this is what happens to me, maybe to you too. This life is getting rough and tough, but a father cannot stand by my side to pass this through all the time. I am now feeling that I have lost a half of me since my father was gone. Too many 'what if...?' coming through my mind for many times. However, I am trying to assure myself that  I can do it without my father's presence. He has successfully prepared the best of me to face the future without him. He might be physically not here, but he is.

A father knows his children so well
My father knows me very well, just like how Odin knows Thor. I still remember when Thor was telling his father about his weaknesses without his hammer, Odin said that he was not a god of hammer but the god of thunder whose the power within his own. It was when Thor was feeling down with himself and his dad who told him that he was stronger. There are things that my father even has already known before I told him. For example, when I am feeling jealous with most of my friends who one by one has got married. He calms me down even before I told him about it. It is him who makes me strong like this. He knew my potentials and made some important decisions such as what school I should take in the past. I always listened to him, followed what he wanted from me and did my best on it. He put me into a lot of challenges and difficult situations. But here I am, Siti Fitriah, a person that you all know.

Anyway, are all fathers like all of those mentioned above? Definitely not. I would be too naïve to generalize all of those characteristics of a father above to all fathers on Earth. But yes, I have one like this.

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