Monday, January 1, 2018

Coco and What I believe as a Muslim

I watched Coco a few weeks ago. It was an amazing movie. At first, I thought it was for kids, but no way, it is good for adults too. A lot of lessons I can learn and reflect to myself. Especially it has so many relations to my belief as a Muslim. Well, before I am sharing to how it is related to my belief, I captured some interesting points.

Most kids think that they know the best for them. In fact, sometimes family, especially their parent, knows better.

Family is where people who always love us in any conditions.

No one is perfect without any mistakes in life, either intentionally or unintentionally. And sometimes there might be a person or even people got hurt by what we did. Thus, to ask forgiveness as soon as there is a chance would be a righteous decision. 

To make dreams come true, every one does need to sacrifice in many ways. But remember, never ever leave or forget family. 

One's feeling to another's feeling is highly possible to be connected. It is just like how Coco and her dad, Hector, always miss each other. The stronger Coco's feeling to her dad, the more Hector feels urged to go home and see her.

A hardly broken hearted experience has two choices to the person, to raise up and be stronger or to frustrate and be weaker. And Mama Imelda chose to take the first choice.

Believe it or not, everybody's disgrace in life will be revealed either before or after death.
 Especially that is related to other's virtue. And it just takes some time to happen. That's why don't worry if there was the time you were betrayed by someone for his or her popularity or wellness. 

And what I believe as a Muslim is that:

When someone passes away, s/he might be not in this world anymore, but still alive in another dimension of life. 

Once, soon after my grand father from my mother died, my mother asked my dad if my grand father would see my grand father who had already passed away long time before. And he said yes. 

In Islam, we send prayers for those people who have already passed away, especially family member. The prayer that we send is usually followed by Surah Al-Fatihah. Hopefully those prayers sent to them would make them in peace. Just like in Coco, Miguel's family and the people put their dead family members at home to show their love.

In one Hadits (if I'm not mistaken), it is mentioned that the soul of dead people visit their family regularly, especially at Thursday night. They are going to be sad and cry if their living beloved people don't remember them or pray for them. It's just like The Day of the Death in Coco. 

Anyway, at first, I though Coco would be the name of a boy in the movie. But I was wrong, Coco is the boy's great grand mother. The end of the movie was so touching that I cried a lot. It was when Miguel played the guitar and sang Remember Me song to make Coco remember her dad.

It might be late, but not too late, to recommend that you all see this movie. I'm sure you won't regret.

Semangat kerja hari pertama (Wed, Day 64)

Aku pagi bangun jam 9nan lewat. Sengaja, tadi pagi ngantuk banget. Langsung siap-siap dandan cantik buat kerja hari pertama ke kampus sama T...