Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Just Write to Sharpen Your Mind

When we talk about writing, what comes to your mind guys?
Is it about your bad handwriting?
Or may be about your bad experience to write any essays in the past?
Everyone has her own writing experience no matter how good or bad it is.
Here is the way I want to tell you that finally I admit the importance of writing. Anyway it is not because of my lectures or anyone else. I just slowly but surely think over it and decide 'I will be learning to write'. What kind of writing?, I would say 'anything' as long as I put my ideas into written words and everyone can read (I am not so sure that one will read it, then I just write it for myself). 
Free-writing is a god way for you, and for me to start writing. You do not have to think too much the ideas that you want to share. Just let your mind flows. Who knows your writing will someday be an inspiring writing for others.
Anyway, it is the beginning of my writing project. To not get any grade from my lecturers. To not be appreciated by my friends. But it is to sharpen my mind. Reading is such a useless thing without writing.
Therefore, Let's write.

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