Thursday, April 13, 2017

Each of Us is Free to Choose

I wrote the following thoughts a few weeks ago when the issue of governor election of Jakarta became such a hot issue to talk about.

Many times my students ask my opinion about voting for non-Moslem leader. Well, it's what's happening now in Jakarta. Recently, Moslems and non-Moslems, they are all like in a war; even among Moslems too. A war with no sword nor murder, but different thoughts and beliefs in rough words. Honestly I don't know what to say to them, my students about it. I'm afraid that what I'm saying might be wrong. Lucky if my answer is correct, but what if not. I might be feeling burdened in all my life afterwards. I take my time and now trying to see this case from some different points of view. No one is qualified to make a judgment of which one is true or wrong to be followed after all. The different ideas of some groups are not wrong. What makes it wrong is just about they way people speak up which then cause the situation worse.

Some groups of Moslems insist to not for non-Moslem to be the governor of Jakarta. The reason is that the Holy Qur'an says so. Besides, they are worried about and scared by a lot of possibilities, especially any policy against Islamic principles, which might happen in the future if the governor is not a Moslem. Thus, to not vote for a non-Moslem is such an opportunity to avoid all of those possibilities happen. Well, simply I can say that these people have a good reason and intention in their voice.

Anyway, some other people (including Moslems and non-Moslems) say "to chose a governor is not only for Moslems, but also for all people in the society (with different religions)", which means the governor doesn't have to be a Moslem. It can be anyone from any religion. I learned long time ago from my teacher that we need to hand over a task or duty for those who are qualified and competent. And now, what is the Moslem candidates are not as qualified or competent as the non-Moslem  candidates. Don't you think we need to be smart in this case? objectively analyze the programs proposed by each candidate for the better future.

In fact, the idea above invites people (Moslems who says 'no' for non-Moslem leader) respond "But someone's thoughts and actions are the representations of his/her religion. Still we go for Moslem leaders". This point of view implies that for them, a Moslem governor is good and a non-Moslem governor is not good, or Islam is a good religion and others are not good religions.

This complicated debate has been going on till now. What I said to all my students is that each person (including my students) has his/her own reason for what she/he is doing with certain intention and expectation within. And I'm pretty sure that the intention is for the sake of goodness. Each of us is free to decide which one to vote for with our own reason and it's confidential.

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