Thursday, August 24, 2023

CELTA Experience (Day 19)

 Nothing much to do today. I had an English class to observe. It's an Upper-Intermediate class with around 17 students and most of the them are Japanese. Only one student is Polish. The teacher was fun. She started the class by reviewing the previous lesson about British art. And, the topic of today was 'Taking a Break'. Students had a discussion in pairs about holidays in their country and what they usually do to spend their holidays. Oh, I joined one of the pairs. It's interesting to find that as far as I observed, Japanese students are quite shy in class to speak, but the teacher was great in encouraging them to share ideas. 

After the observation, I had an input session on 'Teaching in different context' and it was particularly teaching one-to-one and business class. Well, it's surprising to find that teaching one-to-one class has more challenges than its advantages. But anyways, I 've learned a few lessons from there, one of which is measuring progress, and I guess I can take those lessons  into my consideration in teaching more one-to-one classes in the future. 

Today is Ethan and Carys's TP8, their last TP. George and I observed them and took some notes during the whole lesson. Before students left the class, we invited students to take a group photo for our memory. Just like what we did yesterday, we share 1 thing that we liked today, 1 thing that we'd steal from them, and what has improved since the first TP. Personally, I find how each of us has been progressing from TP1 to TP8 really amazing. Well, we're all done now. Congratulations for all us! YEAY!

(Jin, Anna, Fatih, Ekin, Maria 1, Maria 2, Mauro)

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Semangat kerja hari pertama (Wed, Day 64)

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