Saturday, August 26, 2023

CELTA Experience (Day 20)

 I had a mixed feeling today. I was excited CELTA is over, but I was sad for not seeing all of my CELTA fellows and tutors. 

We started the morning session today Teacher Wellbeing by looking back our journey in the last 4 weeks attending CELTA. I could see that most of us had ups and downs with more or less similar reasons like assignments, TP, changing level of the class to teach. Anyways, we're all relieved that we had been through this together. 

Teacher Wellbeing still sounds a bit new to me maybe because I don't read much about it or attend any seminars on this topic. Despite the fact that it's really important to take care of teacher wellbeing, unfortunately I can still see that in my surrounding in Indonesia it's forgotten and neglected. It's like teachers are super humans with super powers who can do anything without any help or support from their surroundings. 

It's interesting to have the Job Hunting session after that. We had a look at some job opportunities abroad one of which is in Vietnam, the one interested me the most. We though about what makes a CV good and even had a job interview role play with some possible questions asked by the interviewer when we apply for a job as a teacher of English. 

We had some group photos and I received an award as The World's Greatest Human. I was surprised. 

Sayonara, amazing people! I'll see you in another part of the world at another time!


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