Monday, October 9, 2023

CELTA Experience (Day 2)

Manuel started the session today on Teaching Vocabulary 1. Before reflecting and talking about the lesson, he demonstrated the lesson with all trainees as students. It's interesting to find out that in teaching vocabulary, 'eliciting' a word works so much better that presenting it. It was the first time for me to learn MFP(A) which means Meaning, Form, Pronunciation, and Appropriacy (if necessary) in language teaching. Also, another new term for me was Concept Checking Questions (CCQs) that we can use to clarify the meaning of vocabulary instead of just giving the definition of the vocabulary right away to learners. Different from the listening lesson yesterday, in teaching vocabulary, it consists of Lead-in, Contextualization of language, Clarification of MFP(A), Controlled Practice, and Freer Practice. 

Meaning - What does the word mean in a given context? Does it have positive or negative associations? 
Form - spelling, word form, word families, useful collocation, lexical grammar (e.g. countable/uncountable, irregular verb, transitive/intransitive verb, etc.)
Pronunciation - word stress, silent letters, special sounds, etc.
Appropriacy - Is the word more appropriate for formal or informal contexts? Or, does it have a neutral meaning?

After break, we continued the session with Writing a Lesson Plan. This lesson plan template is going to be used throughout this course. It consists of

Length of Lesson
Lesson Number
Lesson Type
Personal TP Aim(s)
Main Lesson Aim(s)
Secondary Aim(s)
Materials and Resources
Lesson Procedure

In this lesson plan, Lesson Procedure covers the activities during the lesson with the description of 'What are the learners doing?' and 'What is the teacher doing?' along with what kind of interaction is being implemented (teacher to whole class, students to teacher, pair-work, individual work, group work, or melee).

Next, we had our first live observation of experienced teacher, Erin, in Pre-Intermediate class. While observing, we were expected to prepare for FOL assignment by paying attention to Learner Name, Nationality, Grammar Knowledge, Vocabulary Knowledge, Pronunciation Knowledge, and Type of Student. From the observation, I haven't decided yet whom I'm going to interview. I was thinking about letting my peers to pick first, then I will find mine. 

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