Tuesday, October 10, 2023

CELTA Experience (Day 3)

Today, the third day of CELTA, we had an input session with Nick on Teaching Grammar: Present, Practice and Produce. I heard of this method previously in the university, but the difference here is that how we establish a context of a specific grammar focus as the target of the lesson. It's in the Lead-in stage. Also, it's getting clearer how MFP(A) is implemented in a language class. In many years of my teaching experience, I have never been aware of this MFP(A). Next, it's really insightful in the way how we should provide controlled practice for learners to try what they have just learned in class with a guidance, and freer practice for them to explore more the use of the target language. 

In other words, the stages would be Establishing a context, Presenting the target language, Practicing the target language, and Producing the target language. 

I was really nervous today because we're going to have the first session with the learners. Well, it wasn't going to be observed by our Tutor, but still first time always makes me nervous. Carys, Ethan, George and I were given a lesson plan to teach the class today. There were four parts: Warmer and opening, Places, Recipe, and Boardgame. I picked Warmer and opening activity. I always feel that I'm good at energizing a classroom. Each of us had 20 minutes only. In my part, we talked about an important person. I picked a photo of Ibu Paulina Panen from Google and shared a little bit about her. Next, I let each student to share about someone who is important to her/him. Thank goodness it all went well and I enjoyed it so much. 

After this Unassessed/Unobserved TP, that's how we call it, we were given some time to interview any of learners for FOL Assignment purpose. I decided to interview Rasna from India. We had some guiding questions to collect information such as

1. What are their interest?
2. What do they do for a living?
3. How long have they been learning English?
4. Do they have any specific reasons for learning English? (e.g. travel, work ...)
5. Do they like learning English? Why?
6. In their previous learning experience, what kinds of methods were used?
7. What did they enjoy about their previous learning?
8. Which areas of their English do they feel they need to work on?

Instead of asking those questions exactly the way it is, I reworded them in my own ways and in my order so that the flow of the conversation would be more natural. I was glad that Rasna was open and answered all questions with a lot of information to be studied and analyzed in the FOL Assignment. 

Before leaving, we had a brief discussion with Erin to make sure that each of us was ready for our lesson to teach tomorrow. Actually, I had all the idea of the lesson in my head, but honestly, I struggled with the lesson plan template to be completed. I felt that it was too much. Anyways, I'll give it a try and do my best. 

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