Friday, July 21, 2017

Teaching TOEIC Speaking Test Preparation

For the last few weeks, I was assigned to teach a Korean university student preparing for his TOEIC speaking test. Unlike TOEIC listening and reading test, there is no many resources or certain books can be used for practice. Thus, I searched on Google for some help. So far, there is only one sample of TOEIC speaking test provided by ITC (International Test Center) as the official institution which holds the test. Fortunately, I found a very useful website with a number of samples ( As well, I found a channel on YouTube which gives some tricks and strategy in taking the test (Kenton County Adult English as a Second Language). I haven't taken this test before so I needed to learn about the test so much more than what the student should.

I have put altogether the materials and some important information regarding to the test in the following link. Please feel free to find the documents for your use . Klik disini

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