"Are you free today."
"So far yes. What's up?"
"Wanna join in? A blind-date."
"Seriously? Nice. I might gonna find my best match there."
I left my room five minutes before the event started since the venue is not far from my place. I dressed up as beautifully as I could hoping I would find someone in the crowd (it reminds me of the La La Land sountrack). Then, there I was, in a café with some people sitting having nice conversations. And me, I was such a dumb had no idea what to do. I saw my friend was sitting on one of the chairs but I was thinking that it would be inappropriate to bother her conversation, so I tried finding an empty chair for seat.
On my steps to a chair, a girl with short hair (as short as man hair-cut) greeted me and followed by an old man offering his hand. The girl said "He wanna shake your hand). Since I saw him wearing a black glasses (such a sunglasses) and offering his right hand not to me directly, I was assuming that he might be blind. I grabbed his hand for shaking hand and mentioned my name. I asked his name then.
I sat on a chair filling an attendance form and my friend came to me. Even before I had much talk with my friend, another attendee coming and filling in the form. And, they both, my friend and the just coming girl, had a talk. Such a long talk about some events in Jakarta recently to visit. Then, my friend and I went upstairs to perform Dhuhur prayer. After the prayer upstairs, I heard the people downstairs are having some briefing for the Blind Date event. We both went downstairs at the same time when all people are going to a room that pretty looked like a mini theatre. Well, they are going in pairs in which one typical participant with one blind participant.
And it was how the date...
The movie playing was entitled "I am Hope". I saw my two students there, London and Jenina (Out of topic anyway). Interestingly, the typical participants are named volunteers in this occasion. Why? Because they are going to describe the movie to the blind-dated partner during the play.
Do you think it is difficult? Could be
Do you think it is just easy? Maybe
But, big YES, it was challenging.
As the host mentioned that it might be a problem for the volunteers to describe if this was the first time to see the movie. I got this problem.
I was sitting at the back seat with my blind-dated partner next to me. It was a guy named Alif. I was doing very well in the first few minutes. I did perfectly. Even I got two thumbs up from Boy, the committee. As times went by, Alif might have got bored listening to my gentle, beautiful and expressive voice all the time. He put himself back and played with his phone.
What is he doing?
What should I do?
Should I keep telling him?
Should I just enjoy the movie myself?
Instead of knowing nothing what to do, I poked Boy and asked what to do with that situation. I asked with no words but just with my hands moving here and there showing "What the hell should I do? He is playing with his phone."
Unexpectedly, Boy sat next to me close her eyes and said "Okay, I close my eyes and you describe the movie to me".
"Are you kidding? You can just see it yourself".
"Common, go ahead."
Well, I did as she requested until sometimes we found out that Alif still not stop playing with his phone. A few minutes later, Alif asked for help to go to toilet and Boy took him out. Once Boy was back, I asked "Do I really have to do this?"
"Yes. Until you're tired."
"Well. I'm tired already."
"Oh really. Okay."
And for the rest of the movie, I enjoyed it myself. What a wonderful life!
It was such an interesting experience, wasn't it? To have the real blind-date ever in my life. And anyway, as the movie was over, I didn't see Alif around. He might have run away to find the better blind-dated partner.
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Semangat kerja hari pertama (Wed, Day 64)
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