Monday, September 9, 2019

How 'Sense and Sensibility' is

I got the book of Sense and Sensibility together with Peter Pan book. It interested me with the words written on the back cover "find your own happiness" and an illustration of two women on the front cover. I thought maybe there was something to do with this story about ways to be happy in life for women. I am a woman and I want to be happy, why not reading it? I read it as soon as I had finished reading Peter Pan. Just like what I did to Peter Pan, I watched its movie after reading. I did not notice well in which year the book was actually written. Or, I might have noticed it but then I forgot. Surprisingly, once I found its movie on the internet, it was released in 1995. What an old movie! It made me think "Am I too late to get to know this?"

Sense and Sensibility is a classic story with classic English for sure. For me, it was not that easy to follow the flow of the story, but I kept going through it. At first, I always tried to look up every single word that I did not know in the dictionary, but then I got tired of it and decided to just guess the meaning of the words that I did not know by drawing its context from the surrounding words. It is just like what an English teacher always tells the students to do in practicing English through reading, isn't it? However, sometimes I felt somehow incomplete to not knowing the whole meaning of words in the story. To make me feel less incomplete and better, I read it twice or trice to ensure myself that I did get the ideas wholly. Eventually, I finished reading it and surely could not wait for watching its movie.

The movie was incredible! All the things in the movie looked exactly the same as what I had in my imagination and visualization during reading. At some points, it depicted even so much better.
The characters with their looks and actions.
The plot with its descriptions and problematic situations.
The setting with its buildings and surrounding environment.
For these, I salute its producer!

The movie has successfully made me understand better to see the distinctions of what happen with the characters.
Edward, whom Elinor loves, chooses his commitment and affection with losing his inheritance from his mother to get married with Lucy even though in the end he is cheated and gets back to Elinor.
Willoughby, whom Marianne loves, picks a woman with a huge wealth to be his wife over his love to Marianne.
Talking about happiness, which one is happier here? Is it to live on behalf of love or of wealth? In this case, I think it is not something to be compared between one to another since they both are clearly in different circumstances. Whatever it is, everyone, including you and me, has his/her own way in pursuing happiness. 

Here is an excerpt from Sonnet (116) by Willian Shakespeare that I can take note:

“Love is not love which alters it when alteration finds, or bends with the remover to remove: O no! It is an ever fixed mark that looks on tempests and is never shaken."

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