Wednesday, December 7, 2011

“Lari Dari Blora Film”: The New Samin in the New Era

Before watching the film “Lari dari Bora”, I thought that I would not change anything of Samin Community. I would let them live in their way, no education and no law. I could say that, because they are happy and fine in their live until now. “Harmony without the law” is in their life. Yes, there is no law, but still there are village and sub district managements of government which keep control them as a part f this country. I see that Samin is not a religion, ideology or faith. It tends to be a regeneration inheritance.

It became different thinking after I had already watched the film. Actually there is a character as a teacher who wants to give education for Samin children. I fully agree and support what Mr. Ramadian does as a teacher. He could not bring those children into formal school, but he still could teach them to write and read at his home. As you may know, school is not the only one way to get education. He does efforts to convince the citizen to allow and permit their children for studying.
What Mr. Ramadian does among Samin Community is a really good model. He does not come suddenly and invite Samin children to study in school. He has been among Samin community for long times. He has learned and understood who Samin people are and what in this community is. He knows and is close to influential person among this community. Although those influential people are already familiar with him, it is not easy to get approval but he does not give up.
I am myself as a teacher candidate, I will introduce them to the real world outside (other provinces and countries). There are many things outside which they do not know. There are many things which they could do more for their own better life. I could see that they are already happy in their life, but they have to realize that not only them who live in this world. Even probably they do not know that nowadays they do not live as they lived in the past. This nation has already become independent country. There is no colonization, cruel treatment or murder anymore as ever happened in the past. As time goes by, everything is changing. That is why I have to change their mindset of thinking to live in this era, especially their thinking of education. Everyone is not good and kind as they usually think. If someone has educated, they will think and consider how to react and response others (the new comers).
Before inviting the Samin people to get and have education , it is important to convince the influential people about how important the education for Samin people is. I will try to give understanding about what we face today on this earth for living and ask them to have a look around that how rich they are. I also will ask them whether they could guarantee keeping the totality of the wealthy.  Everyone can come to them for any necessaries and does something bad to them (because they know that Samin people are uneducated). Of course Samin people will welcome them well. There is no suspicious of Samin people. It is strength of them, but sometime it could be a weapon which kills the owner. A bad man can come and do whatever he wants to do although in fact he damages Samin people. In this condition education and knowledge are needed. The education is not to make them rich, but to give them a weapon (not for war) of life. At least they can write and read, so they know what they read and what they write.
The early thing which I will tell those children in order to do my intention (giving education) is inviting them to have a look around. They are strong and good. They could keep natural resources well. Besides, there are clothes which they wear to warm their bodies, bicycle which they ride to reach a place faster, some tools (hoe, sickle, and hammer). Those things all are creations of educated person. If they have been able to keep their nature well, so of course it will be far better if they are educated. I will also tell them the development which happens outside there.
            In the education process, I will design my own education, system, and curriculum. I will start the education with some things which are daily close to them. Those are such as their culture, habit and agriculture. It will make them easy to absorb the knowledge. The system is as usual school (teaching, practice and assessment), but it will be informal. The curriculum is not fully my design, I will also combine the curriculum of one school (can be around this village). The simple thing which I want to achieve is at least Samin children can write, read and count well. If there are some children who want to get more knowledge, they may join a formal school or packet A of final examination (to continue to the next level).

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