Tuesday, September 12, 2017

If I'm a parent, I will.....

Last Sunday I had a session with my two private students, they are a big bother (Grade 5) and a little sister (Grade 2). It was the second session and I found some interesting things here.
  • The girl had Rp 100.000 on her hand (one piece of money) rolled into a small roll. She told me that she got that money from her friend at school. Once I asked her why her friend gave the money to her, she said she didn't know. Her friend just gave it. Quietly she told me that none of her mom, dad or nanny knew about it. Only her big brother knew it. She kept holding the money while sometimes she put it in the pocket of a doll. I asked her "What are you gonna do with it?" "Just to have it" she said.
  • While we were studying, the big brother was standing on his knees while putting his arms on a folding table. Suddenly the table fell down and one of the tables' leg was broken. He looked panicking right after that happened then he said "Okay, let's pretend that there is nothing happens." He tried to fold the table and put that away from us. He was trying to keep it as a secret.
  • It was quite surprising for me when the kids, especially the big brother, talked about sexual stuff. I didn't really pay attention to what both were talking about but I got the part when the brother was telling about "Milk comes out of the body" and the sister tried to explain to me that her big brother was talking about the milk coming out of breast. Shockingly the boy tried making clear about what he had said before that it was not the one coming out of the breast but he referred his hands to his private part. I grab his attention to the lesson as soon as he was saying that.
From what happened above, I started thinking about myself what kind of parent I would be. I'm sure that those kids were behaving that way as how their parents had been educating and building the relationship with them. So, these are what I'm going to do if I'm a parent one day:
  • Asking my kids about how their school life including friends, teachers,  subjects and anything since I am not there and I can't always keep my eyes on them every time. Not just asking then ends, but following with expressive responds and digging more particular things that I might find interesting or important. Well, I am sure there would be many things to be discussed and to let my kids learn from their experience to be a better person. 
  • Not showing anger as the first respond once my kid is making a mistake or doing something not the way it is. Being angry as the first respond would likely cause my kids to be afraid of telling me anytime they are making mistakes. They don't want me to get angry, so better they keep it for themselves. And I don't want that happens. Also, it is possible for my kids to hide anything that they might consider to be something wrong and also they would be reluctant to try something new because they are afraid of failure afterwards.
  • Paying more attention to the use of internet by my kids. While playing with any gadget supported by an internet connection, the kids might access anything inappropriate for their age there with or without intention. Of course it's not going to be easy but I'll try y best to always have a talk with my kids about what to see and not to see and why. Blocking some websites and contents may also be helpful in this case.
Well, being a parent is a long-life learning journey. If I can start by now, why not?

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