Friday, October 14, 2011

OOhhhh yaaaa,,,

In the first class meeting last week, we discussed about Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL). The development technology of mobile really helps language learners. I can find it in myself. Actually when I was a child, my old brothers and sister did not have any mobile. Yes, it was not really important for them because it was so hard to have any mobile. Some years ago, we just learnt language from the textbook and teacher as the resources. There was no good facility such language laboratory, even any mobile. Also I could find the language learning result of them. The result was not really satisfying.

The second class meeting was about creating a language learning website. I ever thought that a good and interesting website is which has good looking. Actually it is not just about that, but there are some characteristics to create this. I heard also Mr. Teguh said that a colorful website is not always good looking. Finally I decided to change my blogger page appearance to the simple one, because it was so colorful. In creating a website should give more attention to the content of this, because it will be useless if the appearance is good but the content also meaningless. The last is that everyone could express his/her personality through the website unless embedding meaningful and clear content.

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