Thursday, October 6, 2011

This is a Short Story

 The early class of last week, I had a debate. It was about whether internet connection or language library is better to be installed in school. I think in language learning, it is better to have language laboratory to exercise and train the English proficiency of students. By internet connection, it is right that student can search more knowledge for enhancing and developing language learning input, but in the end school needs language laboratory to examine the success of this language learning process. Actually it would be a hot debate if class had time longer.
The second class which was on Friday, we had a presentation about using technology in classroom. As I said in my last reflection that I though technology would take face-to-face class meeting away from learning. Mr. Teguh also said the same thing that there was possibility for face-to-face meeting class would disappear in the future. Yes, there are some technology used in language learning class (as presented in class), but those are so complicated. Sometimes I am confused to have many accounts in different website. Also I need to learn how to use that firstly. I ever thought I could not do anything because my friend others had already known this before, so I was left one step behind to use this. Every learning website has its own benefit, but as many it is in classroom as more confused I am.
Mr. Teguh also slightly explained about digital native who is born from 1990 up to now. It is not so hard for me to learn and use update technology, but it is a bit hard for my parents. Although there are some early people can operate ever new technology, native digital will be able faster. That is why I need more patients to tell my parents how to operate hand phone (messages or calling). For me as a digital native, I can operate most of technology even though I do not have it or never found this before.

1 comment:

  1. yes, how lucky we are who born in digital era.. but remember when we become a teacher many students will be more expert than us in operating technology, so let's learn together to update our ability in techno.. :)


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Semangat kerja hari pertama (Wed, Day 64)

Aku pagi bangun jam 9nan lewat. Sengaja, tadi pagi ngantuk banget. Langsung siap-siap dandan cantik buat kerja hari pertama ke kampus sama T...