It is a good time to make a reflection of this subject for last week meeting. Actually I just reviewed the material in the module before I am typing right now, because I have to recall those materials. As time goes by, human can create a lot of innovation of technology, especially in language learning.
At first, I thought that no approach is used in developing the technology of language learning. In fact, there are kinds of approach is used. As mentioned and discussed in classroom, there are natural and total physical approach. No approach is better or worse. It depends on what the objective learning is. In certain condition, it will be better if we combine those approaches. Based on my understanding, those approaches are just embedded in listening and reading skill.
In the next class meeting, we used ICT room as the class. We browsed some website addresses of language learning, especially in speaking skill. I have already known that I could find as many website addresses in language learning as I want if I found out the information. In fact, it was the first time for me to know some free online language learning website addresses. It is really useful for language teacher, but it doesn't mean that it is enough for learning a language. Teacher still should give any comprehension input, response and reaction for the students.
How great the development of technology in language learning is, human being is still far far away greatest as the great living creation. Now, I am keeping a question. It is "when this development will be finished and blocked?". I can't imagine how this world will be if the development will never be end. Is it possible that human being will be defeated by this technology?. No one knows.
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Semangat kerja hari pertama (Wed, Day 64)
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