Sunday, February 28, 2021

I love Monday! - Oops #Day1

Today is Monday. It may suck for some people to hear 'Monday'. That's why I hear many people around me, particularly my colleagues, say "I hate Monday" and "I love Friday." It makes me wonder why should some people hate Monday and love Friday? They are just days, aren't they? 

I am sitting on my own and reflecting on this. Well, Monday is the beginning of the week for work or school or any other routines that people have in general. That is why it is common to call Monday - Friday as working days and Saturday and Sunday as weekends. The next question is why some people hate to begin the week, which means to begin their work, to begin their school. Oh, wait! Hang on a second! There might be something wrong in their work because it seems like to begin the week equals to start their sufferings. That's why they hate it. Do they really suffer during work? or maybe during school? I cannot imagine if it really is the matter because if let's say they do suffer, how much longer they would bear with this suffering? Days to days, weeks to weeks, months to months, years to years, and finally the death comes. Seriously? Isn't it such a shame to live like this? And yes, it is definitely not about the name of the day 'Monday'. It turned out even some of my colleagues still hate any day which starts their work of the week. Anyway, our work schedule keeps changing every three months with random days off. Then, here we can see why they say "Thank God, it's Friday." That is because they are ending their suffering of the week. Oh, but don't forget! Another suffering is coming as soon as the weekend is over and they are back to work. 

Anyway, if this kind of  'to hate' some days and 'to love' the other days happen to you, you may have to start reflecting on what is actually wrong with those days and figure out what you can do about it. Just like what I said, if it is because of your work, then maybe you can try to find another job that you like and suits you. Or, maybe at school, there is a subject that you are not good at on that day then seek some help to support your learning. Telling yourselves particularly to 'hate' a certain day, even before knowing it, would not make things any better, it may even do the opposite in some situations. The thing is, if you love what you are doing, you will always be happy and excited about whatever you are doing on any day. Working days would be as fun as weekends. 


This morning I realized that today is March 1st and my friend reminded me of our pact to write for 30 days this month. We want to challenge writing skills as well as boost our spirit again in writing. So, I made a calender and printed it out for me to keep on track. By the way, no specific topic we have for this writing challenge. It's theme-free. It can be anything. Let's see what's happening in the next 29 days. Oh, I got the idea of I love Monday from my friend's chat by the way. Inspiration can come from anywhere, right?

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