Thursday, April 22, 2021

How to be Self-disciplined and Self-motivated

I was invited by a friend teaching in Grade 5 at Global Jaya School to be a guest speaker in a student camp that they were conducting virtually. There were some topics offered that I could choose and I picked 'How to be Self-disciplined and Self-motivated.' I did some research on Google and found a lot of information about it. I read some books and articles as my reference. Interestingly, the student camp organizer expected me to not only lecture the students but also engage them in some hands-on activities during the session. Well, it was interesting and challenging at the same time. 

After collecting some information and took notes on some important points, I got some points to be shared with students in the simplest way and words. And, guess what? I got an idea of which activity to do while I was in the bathroom about to brush my teeth. Hillarious! Ideas may come at any time. Here is my lesson plan. 

Exhibiting Self-discipline and Self-motivation for Grade 5 Students

By the end of this session, students are able to:
- Describe what it means to be self-disciplined and self-motivated
- Explain why it is important to be self-disciplined and self-motivated
- Demonstrate self-discipline and self-motivation in daily life

Materials needed:

1 big (or 2 small) brown used cardboard box
2  pieces of one sided used A4 paper 
2 m of plastic ropes/ old fabric/ or anything can be used to tie
Glue, scissors, a pen, a pencil, an eraser, coloring markers/pencils/crayons, 

Opening (20 min)

Introduction (5')
Ice breaker (15')

Red light, Green light - Let students pick a move (jumping, running, flying, or swimming) and listen to the instruction. Students move on the Green light and stop on the Red light.
Then, briefly share some ideas on why there is a traffic light, what it is for, how some people may obey it or ignore it, and what consequences that may happen. Relate this analogy to the concept of self-discipline and self-motivation. 

Activitiy (60 min)

Introduction to self-discipline and self-motivation (15')

- Students are ready with a piece of paper and a pencil.
- Students follow the instructions given to draw some shapes on the paper - triangle, circle, square, rectangle. (The goal is not mentioned)
- T reviews the drawing made by the students that without knowing the purpose or the goal of what the Ss do, Ss will have no clear idea what actually Ss are doing or making. 
- Ss are ready with another piece of paper and a pencil.
- Ss follow the instructions given to draw a car by making some shapes - 2 circles, rectangle, triangle, 2 squares. (The goal is mentioned)
- T reviews the Ss' drawings and introduces the importance of the goal to be self-disciplined and self-motivated.

How to be self-disciplined and self-motivated (45')

Draw a triangle on the cardboard with the 20 cm baseline and 10 cm height.
- Draw  4 rectangles on the cardboard. Each of them has 20 cm of length and 5 cm of width.
- Punch 2 holes on two corners of the triangle to tie the rope later on.
- Punch 2 holes on the right side and 2 holes on the left side of the rectangle. 
- Tie the rope through the holes with the triangle as the top and followed by the other four rectangles.
- Answer the following questions and write the answer on the cardboard. (an example is provided)
Triangle: GOAL (What do you want to achieve? I want to be an architect)
Rectangle 1: REASON (Why do you want it? I want to build a nice and safe place where people can enjoy staying there)
Rectangle 2: OBSTACLES (What may stop you from it? I feel lazy to study, I want to sleep more, I watch Youtube too much, I love playing games)
Rectangle 3: HABITS (What to do to make it? Study hard, go to the best university to be an architect, find out some studies about architecture, learn from books, Youtube, or anywhere)
Rectangle 4: PROGRESS (What have you done so far? I am following some famous architects on social media, I learn from architects on Youtube, I do very well in Math.)

Closing (10 min)


Here is the slide I presented during the session. And, below is its references.,re%20feeling%2C%20physically%20or%20emotionally.&text=Motivation%20and%20willpower%20contribute%20to,your%20intentions%2C%20and%20hard%20work.

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