It is a good time to make a reflection of this subject for last week meeting. Actually I just reviewed the material in the module before I am typing right now, because I have to recall those materials. As time goes by, human can create a lot of innovation of technology, especially in language learning.
At first, I thought that no approach is used in developing the technology of language learning. In fact, there are kinds of approach is used. As mentioned and discussed in classroom, there are natural and total physical approach. No approach is better or worse. It depends on what the objective learning is. In certain condition, it will be better if we combine those approaches. Based on my understanding, those approaches are just embedded in listening and reading skill.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Friday, October 14, 2011
It was already Done
had microteaching class last week. Personally, I felt not really satisfied,
because it was just short simulation of my lesson plan so I couldn’t know
whether my learning activity was success and effective. If only we had more
time, we could find more things to be learned.
OOhhhh yaaaa,,,
In the first class meeting last
week, we discussed about Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL). The
development technology of mobile really helps language learners. I can find it
in myself. Actually when I was a child, my old brothers and sister did not have
any mobile. Yes, it was not really important for them because it was so hard to
have any mobile. Some years ago, we just learnt language from the textbook and
teacher as the resources. There was no good facility such language laboratory,
even any mobile. Also I could find the language learning result of them. The
result was not really satisfying.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
This is a Short Story
The early class of last week, I had a debate. It was about whether internet connection or language library is better to be installed in school. I think in language learning, it is better to have language laboratory to exercise and train the English proficiency of students. By internet connection, it is right that student can search more knowledge for enhancing and developing language learning input, but in the end school needs language laboratory to examine the success of this language learning process. Actually it would be a hot debate if class had time longer.
Humanistic Studies 1:These all are about My Name
My name is SITI FITRIAH. Those words are taken from Arabic which always indicates to Muslim. Siti is same as “syayidati”. Siti or syayidati means “princess”. Syayidati is so complicated to be spoken by Javanese, so Javanese say “siti”. In Javanese, siti also has own meaning. It is “land”, because basically human is created from the land. Most of women who have “siti” as their name, they must be Muslim. Besides that, it also indicates someone as a Javanese. The word “fitriah” of my name means “pure or holy”. My parents give “fitriah” as my name because according to their story I was born in Idul Fitri air.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
When Will You Open Your Blind Eyes,,,,,???
Terkadang susah untuk melakukan sesuatu yang seharusnya dilakukan. apakah itu berarti hal tersebut tidak mungkin untuk dilakukan? tida, sama sekali tidak. sesuatu hal ditetapkan untuk dilakukan agar semuanya mempunyai satu tujuan dan satu kesepakatan dengan tidak adanya gontok-gontokan (itulah biasanya aku sebut).
sesuatu hal yang buruk yang sudah melekat pada suatu hal dan menjadi ciri buruk hal tersebut apakah tidak bisa dihilangkan? tidak, sama sekali tidak. salah jika kamu berfikir itu semua tidak bisa dirubah.
tidak penting seorang ataupun sekelompok orang mengatakan bahwa akan menjadi lebih baik dan menjadikan orang lain dan sekitar lebih baik. BullShit, semuanya itu omong kosong.
iya, semua itu hanyalah omong kosong.
tidak ada lagi yang bisa diri ini lakukan untuk semua ini, hanya lah beristighfar dan melakukan segala hal "dengan sebaik-baiknya dan sehormat-hormatnya" bersama bismillah disetiap langkah.
sesuatu hal yang buruk yang sudah melekat pada suatu hal dan menjadi ciri buruk hal tersebut apakah tidak bisa dihilangkan? tidak, sama sekali tidak. salah jika kamu berfikir itu semua tidak bisa dirubah.
tidak penting seorang ataupun sekelompok orang mengatakan bahwa akan menjadi lebih baik dan menjadikan orang lain dan sekitar lebih baik. BullShit, semuanya itu omong kosong.
iya, semua itu hanyalah omong kosong.
tidak ada lagi yang bisa diri ini lakukan untuk semua ini, hanya lah beristighfar dan melakukan segala hal "dengan sebaik-baiknya dan sehormat-hormatnya" bersama bismillah disetiap langkah.
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Semangat kerja hari pertama (Wed, Day 64)
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