Thursday, September 14, 2023

CELTA Experience (Day 10)

Today was the due date for Language Related Task (LRT) assignment. It's the second assignment of CELTA. Unlike the first one, it's a lot tougher and required a lot of research to support the analysis. I tried reading a lot of sources such as textbooks and coursebooks to help me. I didn't want to rush in the last minute, so I decided to finish and submit it yesterday. Let's see how result shows later. 

Today wasn't too busy. We had an input session on Continuous Professional Development (CPD) with Erin. We started the session by finding someone who ..... (with a list of strengths and weaknesses). From here, I learned that I am one of CELTA learner who has a good rapport with the students. Next, we were given a list of options for CPD. They are either formal or informal, and immediately or later in career. We all had a look at the list and shared which options that we'd prefer. Oh, we're given a list of websites for CPD as well for more references. 

From the input session, we moved to the assignment description for Lessons from the Classroom (LFC). We read the guidelines and answered some questions about it to make sure that we had understood each aspect such as aims, parts, and deadline. For me, this way was really helpful. I would say that this assignment is a lot easier than the previous one, LRT. I need to reflect on my TPs so far by thinking about my strengths and weaknesses as well as any further development required for specific areas . Well, at least I don't have to find references such as textbooks or coursebooks. 

It's just half day today. I was excited. I went home right away and did an independent study, observing a video of teaching beginner students. In the evening at around 5 pm, we went to Nando's in West Street for dinner. We all enjoyed the food and shared a lot of stories about our life. It was a lot of fun!

(Beautiful people - Col, Sama, Ethan, Charlotte, Kirsty, George, Iori)

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