Tuesday, September 12, 2023

CELTA Experience (Day 13)

Today I had my first TP with a new class, the upper intermediate. Of course, I was nervous. However, I still needed to have an input session in the morning and forget about the TP for a while. 

This time Nick demonstrated how to teach grammar using Guided Discovery. After the lesson simulation with us being the students, we had a discussion comparing and analyzing the difference between this method and the previous method, Presentation, Practice, Produce (PPP). Well, the stages are different anyways. In PPP, it goes Lead-in, Contextualization of language, Elicitation and clarification of MFP(A), Controlled Practice, Freer practice, and Error correction or feedback. Meanwhile, in Guided discovery, it consists of Lead-in, Set context of the target language (through reading or listening tasks), Discovery (a worksheet with guiding questions about the rules of the structure is given to students in pairs, small groups, or alone first followed by pair-checking), Feedback, Controlled practice, and Freer practice. 

In this new class, I tried to do something different by providing a handout for students step by step or task by task. I think that was how Nick would do in his class. Nick was really helpful in guiding me to plan the lesson. It's a grammar lesson today 'be used to ' and 'get used to'. I started it by having students differentiate the meaning of both in two different sentences. Then, I continued introducing them to the form. I provided controlled practice task by changing the form of sentences in different situations. For the freer practice, I distributed small pieces of paper containing a question in each of them for each group of students, such as 'are you used to shopping online? What do you buy and how often?'. Also, I gave some small pieces of blank paper for students to ask questions on their own by using the target language. I could tell that students had a lot of fun. 

Oh, before we started the lesson, I got a surprise from Martha, a student from the previous class. She's a lovely student and always excited to learn in class. I found her gift really beautiful and special.

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Semangat kerja hari pertama (Wed, Day 64)

Aku pagi bangun jam 9nan lewat. Sengaja, tadi pagi ngantuk banget. Langsung siap-siap dandan cantik buat kerja hari pertama ke kampus sama T...