Friday, September 15, 2023

CELTA Experience (Day 9)

It's surprising today because unlike the other days when we had input sessions with Erin, Manuel and Nick, we had a new one today. Her name is Josie and she talked about Speaking and Communicative Activities. As always, we learn a new teaching approach and method by being students while the Tutor demonstrates it. The very first impression that I had about Josie is that she's a kind of excited teacher with full of energy. I could tell that from the first step of the lesson, describing some pictures that she showed us. After describing and familiarizing ourselves with those pictures, we put them in order and discussed in groups how the story might be like. It was fun how each group could come up with different stories out of exactly the same pictures. From here, we listened to a song 'A Perfect Day' which actually the pictures are from and put the all in order. From there, we started preparing to share how our version of a perfect day looks like. It was fun, I'd say! So, overall, the procedures consist of Lead-in, Language work, Preparation for speaking, Speaking, and Follow-up. Honestly, it's my first time learning this method in detail by combining the language input lesson, in this case is listening, and the language production lesson, speaking. 

After breaktime, Nick delivered an input session to review the language analysis assignment (LRT) to check our understanding. Well, actually this assignment is quite tough and requires careful analytical thinking skills supported by relevant references. Believe me, this session made things a lot clearer for in the way how I would present my analysis. In finishing my assignment, I decided to copy and adapted some examples provided to make sure that I meet the assignment requirements. This review session showed me clearly what I should and shouldn't do in my analysis. 

Today was very special. I observed CELTA trainees in the other group, Sama and Michael, in an upper-intermediate class. I was in there with Iori. It was fun to see other trainees teaching in class, not only trainees in our group, so I can learn and reflect for my own TPs. I wish we all could have a chance to see everyone teaching in class. 

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Semangat kerja hari pertama (Wed, Day 64)

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