Wednesday, September 13, 2023

CELTA Experience (Day 11)

I have gone through the last two weeks. Yeay! I finished and submitted the assignment Lessons from the Classroom (LFC) last Saturday, so I wasn't worried about it last weekend or this morning. 

Well, we are moving on to the next input session, Exploiting Texts and Authentic Materials delivered by Erin. We were introduced to any texts, spoken and written from our surrounding, and how we can make use of it in our classrooms. Well, of course it is for a reason. We got the next assignment, Language Skills Related Tasks (LSRT). On one side, I am excited because it's going to be last assignment in this CELTA, but it's the toughest one I'd say. As always, they always give us clear descriptions and guidelines. Personally, I found them all really helpful to understand the expectation from the assignment and to make sure that I meet each of criteria. So, I read it carefully. 

Starting from this week, my TP group is teaching a new class and Nick is our Tutor. At first, I was really nervous knowing that Nick is a kind of teacher who is super organized (knowing how he always prepares a note on a piece of paper for every thing he uses on the board during input sessions) and looks into details of stages in class, as far as I could see it. However, I couldn't wait for learning more from him. I'm sure that I'd learn a lot from him. Oh by the way, again, this time I'm going to teach Grammar for my first lesson. Oh my God!

After lunch, we had a chance for observing an experienced teacher, in this case is Nick, as our Tutor. I paid full attention to how he staged the lesson and took some notes on some aspects that I found important there. His lesson stages were well structured and I was aware that his Teacher Talk Time (TTT) was very less. I liked the way how he gave clear instructions to students before every task, short, simple, direct, and of course clear. Also, he always made best use of the board to support the lesson and help students. I stole all of those points for my next TPs. 

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Semangat kerja hari pertama (Wed, Day 64)

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