Wednesday, September 6, 2023

CELTA Experience (Day 16)

 Today was the deadline of LSRT assignment (Language Skill Related Task). Well, I finished and submitted it last Saturday, so I didn't need to rush this morning. Oh, I decided to finish and submit it earlier so that I could enjoy my weekend without any thing bothering my mind. I'd say this assignment was the toughest one compared to the previous assignments. Thank goodness it's the last assignment. In this assignment I needed to an authentic material to teach either reading or listening with a follow up activity, either writing or speaking. It's fun though. 

This morning, unlike the other days, we had our input session on our laptop or in the computer room because we talked about Teaching Online. I found it interesting to see and learn how an online teaching would be like in the perspective of Cambridge Assessment. I learned some techniques and tips on how to keep the class student centered despite its online setting. One of tips that I can do is to jump in in every Breakout Room once in a while to monitor how the student discussion is going and take notes if necessary. By the way, in teaching online, there's no way for us the teachers to have students work in pairs. It may waste of time by arranging the Breakout Room or cause a chaos in the main room if every one speaks at the same time. Oh, it's a bit funny though to experience that actually some of us joined from the same computer room, but we communicated, interacted and discussed on Zoom. 

After breaktime, it's shocking when Nick asked as to write down and copy some scripts in Bengali. We all had no idea. From here I could understand that some of my students in the future, the may have no literacy in English, struggling to read and write, or even no literacy in their first language. As a result, what the students do is to guess here and there using the clues, just like what we did to find out what the story was from a series of codes talking about 'Death on the Prom' story. Some of the clues are Semantic (clues of meaning, derived mainly from context), Syntactic (grammatical clues), Phonic (clues from the sounds of letters), and Graphic (visual clues). 

I did my TP 7 today. I wrote on a piece of paper the summary of my talk and instructions in every stage of the lesson. Based on the feedback given by Nick in the previous TP, I  must give feedback after every task, not echo what students say, and give clear and demonstrate the instructions for task. So, I wrote these three points in uppercase letters on top of my piece of paper to keep me reminded. Well, it's really helpful and I did great I guess.  

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Semangat kerja hari pertama (Wed, Day 64)

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