Monday, September 18, 2023

CELTA Experience (Day 8)

This morning Manuel distributed a different coursebook to each group. After having a look at the coursebook, in groups, we discussed what aspects that make a good coursebook. Also, we shared our thoughts about the coursebook that we have been using in our TPs so far, anything we like or don't like as a teacher and as a student. In teaching, there are some criteria to consider when evaluating ELT materials such as content/topics, layout and design, syllabus/language work, promotion of independent learning, and teacher's guide. There are some guiding questions in each criterion which can help us teachers to think about when evaluating. In using coursebooks in class, there are some ways to do like adding, adapting, replacing, and removing. However, we were suggested that we try to 'add' and 'adapt' as much as possible, rather than replace and remove. It's interesting to learn that commonly coursebooks provide the main content for a lesson such as situation/context, pictures, dialogues and text, and tasks and exercises, but materials that need to be more personalized can come from the teacher such as warmers/personalization, instructions/tasks, roleplays/pair-work activities, homework tasks/opportunities for learners to get to know each other better. 

The second input session was a workshop where Erin helped us with our portfolio and told us to make sure that we complete all required sections. 

After lunch, I had my TP4. This time I taught for 60 minutes, and it's going to be the last session with this intermediate class. I'm going to miss them, I'm sure. Unlike other days, Col and Michael were in my class to observe my teaching. Ethan and Carys observed another class as well. I taught functions today, how to ask for and give directions. I started the class by a warmer instructing students to step forward, backward, to the right and to the left. Then, we had a dictation chain activity. It's fun, but I felt like it took so much time. As a result, I skipped one freer practice activity because I ran out of time. Anyways, I'm happy it's over and I received a lot of positive feedback from Col and Michael, especially about my energy and excitement in class. 

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Kembali beraksi (Mon, Day 69)

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