week I just could attend Technology and Language Learning class. Mr. Teguh
showed the work of previous cohort students’ work. Those are so amazing. Unfortunately,
after finishing it they just left it. Actually it is pretty good product. Then,
students were divided into groups which consist of Multimedia Production students
for each to help other members. Students discussed about the websites which
provide free account weblog. They are,,,, etc. There are advantages and disadvantages of each blog. Honestly,
it was the first time for me to know more those URL except I have
already adventured on this. From the discussion, my friend and I in group
decide to use to do the Technology and Language Learning assignment.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Yes, I do believe. Itulah jawaban yang
akan saya lontarkan jika ada yang bertanya kepercayaan saya akan keberadaaan
tuhan. Dia-lah Tuhan berkekuatan super dahsyat, Maha Pengatur segala di balik
kompleksitas empiris dunia ini. Maha Pengatur rotasi dan revolusi bumi ini
hingga anak semut yang kelaparan. Terdapat sebuah teori yang mengatakan bahwa
segala sesuatu yang berada di dunia ini bergerak, berjalan dan berkembang
menurut kehendak dan kekuatannya sendiri, saya tidak percaya. Jika hal tersebut
benar, mengapa hal-hal buruk di dunia ini terjadi. Bukankah segala sesuatu
apapun itu menginginkan kebaikan, kedamaian dan ketentraman hidup. Hal tersebut
juga masih menimbulkan pertanyaan mengapa harus ada keterkaitan antara suatu
hal dengan yang lainnya seperti manusia membutuhkan air, tumbuhan maupun hewan
untuk bertahan hidup. Padahal, bukankah segalanya akan berjalan dengan baik
tanpa saling mengganggu satu sama lain. Itulah campur tangan dan kehendak
Tuhan, Maha Penguasa.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Mereka (Agama dan Filsafat) Berbeda
“agama” memiliki definisi yang sangat beragam. Kata agama yang disebut juga
dengan “religion” berasal dari bahasa Latin yang berarti “keyakinan yang baik”,
“ritual”. Manusia beragama untuk memiliki panduan nilai-nilai moral dalam
menghadapi kehidupan dan kesengsaraan untuk mencapai kebebasan/surga. Nilai kebenaran
dalam sebuah agama hanya terbatas pada teks yang menerangkan tentang sejarah
dan nilai-nilai kebenaran akhir mengenai agama tersebut. Nilai kebenaran akhir
itu juga didukung dengan adanya para nabi sebagai utusan Tuhan yang tidak bisa
diganggu gugat.
“Lari Dari Blora Film”: The New Samin in the New Era
Before watching the film “Lari dari
Bora”, I thought that I would not change anything of Samin Community. I would
let them live in their way, no education and no law. I could say that, because they
are happy and fine in their live until now. “Harmony without the law” is in
their life. Yes, there is no law, but still there are village and sub district managements
of government which keep control them as a part f this country. I see that
Samin is not a religion, ideology or faith. It tends to be a regeneration
Thursday, November 3, 2011
SSE, My Friends and I
The word “others” can
be defined in many ways. Here I define “others” as everyone around me who has
different identity. I am going to share how I toward others (the diversity around
me). I do not have to and should not be confused how toward others when I am in
homogeny environment. I just could have a look into myself how toward well. It
is different when I live in heterogenic environment (culture, ethics,
religion). It is not enough to just have a look into my own. I have to overcome
everything from some perspective. I have been living for 19 years. It means I
have already found many characteristic of anyone around me. It will be so wide and far if I tell
generally, so I just want to focus on my attitude, interaction and
communication during I am studying in my campus (Sampoerna School f Education).
Firstly I will tell my
personal identity to show you my background and perception or way of thinking
toward the diversity. I am a Muslimah. My family is religious family. I had
been in Islamic school since I was in kindergarten (TK Islam) to senior high
school (Madrasah Aliyah). I used to breathe the Islamic air. I already know how
to behave when I am among Islamic environment, because I am accustomed to be
Secondly is the point
of this writing. It is “How I toward others in diversity”. Diversity is not
only in religion. Culture is one of diversity also. In SSE, I find many
cultures which I never found before. There are some friends who come from
Papua, Medan, Bali, Kalimantan and NTT (even Jakarta) and of course they come
with their own culture. I am already
familiar with Sundanese and Javanese, but not for those all I mentioned. Before
I come to Jakarta for studying here, I had some assumption about what I would
meet and find in my new campus. I thought there would be many friends who are
from overseas (out of Java). These were my thinking at that time:
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Wooowww,,,, Great,,,!!!
It is a good time to make a reflection of this subject for last week meeting. Actually I just reviewed the material in the module before I am typing right now, because I have to recall those materials. As time goes by, human can create a lot of innovation of technology, especially in language learning.
At first, I thought that no approach is used in developing the technology of language learning. In fact, there are kinds of approach is used. As mentioned and discussed in classroom, there are natural and total physical approach. No approach is better or worse. It depends on what the objective learning is. In certain condition, it will be better if we combine those approaches. Based on my understanding, those approaches are just embedded in listening and reading skill.
At first, I thought that no approach is used in developing the technology of language learning. In fact, there are kinds of approach is used. As mentioned and discussed in classroom, there are natural and total physical approach. No approach is better or worse. It depends on what the objective learning is. In certain condition, it will be better if we combine those approaches. Based on my understanding, those approaches are just embedded in listening and reading skill.
Friday, October 14, 2011
It was already Done
had microteaching class last week. Personally, I felt not really satisfied,
because it was just short simulation of my lesson plan so I couldn’t know
whether my learning activity was success and effective. If only we had more
time, we could find more things to be learned.
OOhhhh yaaaa,,,
In the first class meeting last
week, we discussed about Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL). The
development technology of mobile really helps language learners. I can find it
in myself. Actually when I was a child, my old brothers and sister did not have
any mobile. Yes, it was not really important for them because it was so hard to
have any mobile. Some years ago, we just learnt language from the textbook and
teacher as the resources. There was no good facility such language laboratory,
even any mobile. Also I could find the language learning result of them. The
result was not really satisfying.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
This is a Short Story
The early class of last week, I had a debate. It was about whether internet connection or language library is better to be installed in school. I think in language learning, it is better to have language laboratory to exercise and train the English proficiency of students. By internet connection, it is right that student can search more knowledge for enhancing and developing language learning input, but in the end school needs language laboratory to examine the success of this language learning process. Actually it would be a hot debate if class had time longer.
Humanistic Studies 1:These all are about My Name
My name is SITI FITRIAH. Those words are taken from Arabic which always indicates to Muslim. Siti is same as “syayidati”. Siti or syayidati means “princess”. Syayidati is so complicated to be spoken by Javanese, so Javanese say “siti”. In Javanese, siti also has own meaning. It is “land”, because basically human is created from the land. Most of women who have “siti” as their name, they must be Muslim. Besides that, it also indicates someone as a Javanese. The word “fitriah” of my name means “pure or holy”. My parents give “fitriah” as my name because according to their story I was born in Idul Fitri air.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
When Will You Open Your Blind Eyes,,,,,???
Terkadang susah untuk melakukan sesuatu yang seharusnya dilakukan. apakah itu berarti hal tersebut tidak mungkin untuk dilakukan? tida, sama sekali tidak. sesuatu hal ditetapkan untuk dilakukan agar semuanya mempunyai satu tujuan dan satu kesepakatan dengan tidak adanya gontok-gontokan (itulah biasanya aku sebut).
sesuatu hal yang buruk yang sudah melekat pada suatu hal dan menjadi ciri buruk hal tersebut apakah tidak bisa dihilangkan? tidak, sama sekali tidak. salah jika kamu berfikir itu semua tidak bisa dirubah.
tidak penting seorang ataupun sekelompok orang mengatakan bahwa akan menjadi lebih baik dan menjadikan orang lain dan sekitar lebih baik. BullShit, semuanya itu omong kosong.
iya, semua itu hanyalah omong kosong.
tidak ada lagi yang bisa diri ini lakukan untuk semua ini, hanya lah beristighfar dan melakukan segala hal "dengan sebaik-baiknya dan sehormat-hormatnya" bersama bismillah disetiap langkah.
sesuatu hal yang buruk yang sudah melekat pada suatu hal dan menjadi ciri buruk hal tersebut apakah tidak bisa dihilangkan? tidak, sama sekali tidak. salah jika kamu berfikir itu semua tidak bisa dirubah.
tidak penting seorang ataupun sekelompok orang mengatakan bahwa akan menjadi lebih baik dan menjadikan orang lain dan sekitar lebih baik. BullShit, semuanya itu omong kosong.
iya, semua itu hanyalah omong kosong.
tidak ada lagi yang bisa diri ini lakukan untuk semua ini, hanya lah beristighfar dan melakukan segala hal "dengan sebaik-baiknya dan sehormat-hormatnya" bersama bismillah disetiap langkah.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Reflection of Technology and Language Learning: Technology will take face-to-face class meeting away in learning language
There were two class meetings for Technology and Language Learning (TLL) with Mr. Teguh Khaerudin as lecturer last week. I used to think this subject would be boring, but after I knew that Mr. Teguh is the lecturer, I put this thinking away from my mind. Although I know may be it will not be so hard because there some joking in class, I am still worried. I am worried that I will not be able to do and finish assignments in this lesson. Besides, it also pushes me to learn and understand harder.
I was little bit shocked when he told that we would also talk about the history and development of technology over time. I hate talking about history. Fortunately, after asking him about this, it would be just about the history and development of technology which relates to language learning.
Those all above are just a slightly opening, and this below is what I will share.
It was very interesting to talk about advantages and disadvantages of using technology in learning language. I love Mr. Teguh’s way in this activity. He gave us an article and we had to find out some key points of it. Although sometimes there were some new and hard words, I just skipped and guessed the meaning. Trough this activity, it pushed me to read the article whether I am interested in or not.
The development of technology in learning is increasing, improving and advancing over time. Based on the advantages of technology in learning language which has already discussed in class, this is cheaper than face-to-face class meeting. It attracts most of people’s attention to join in this kind of learning style. They will prefer it than joining any private course around which has limited time and other disadvantages. It is not only in learning language, there are some online learning also which have already grown on the earth.
According to that condition, I am imagining that one day face-to-face class meetings and its teachers are disappeared from this world because of the development of technology itself. If I think farther about this, I will also get that it is possible for schools to be disappeared. The learning system will be cyber learning. I am as an English teacher candidate who will share English as the second language to my students; I feel that I will not be needed anymore to share this. Besides, although it is possible to happen in the future, not everyone can reach this technology, so still there will be the opportunity for me to teach them and to be a teacher. Another possibility is maybe I will be a part of technology in language learning. (hehhehhe)
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Individual Essay 1: Humanistic Studies 1 "Yours will never be ours"
Indonesia is unique country. One of the uniqueness is that there are some religions, at least 5 religions. Multiculturalism is a hot issue nowadays. Toleration and respect are very important. Without any toleration and respect, Indonesian society will be apart into each community. It will not be unity.
“Talking about religion is a sensitive thing” said Mr. Hatim in last and first humanistic studies I class meeting. It is getting more sensitive when we talk about this in various religions around. As I ever read from a book that when someone tries coming into some religion in order to know how other religion’s mindset and understanding is, finally she or he will come to his or her original belief. As I know that the lecturer of this subject is Moslem, I am a bit afraid and worried that Islam will dominate this class. Actually, the class consists of two and it seems uncomfortable to dominate something of one side. In sharing opinions, there will be most of Muslims who share because they feel having more freedom. In the other side, others will just be good listeners of this, they may feel being discriminated. I think the class is incomplete, because it just consists of two whereas at least there are five. Finally, it will be Moslem class discussion forum. Based on that condition, I hope that this class will be okay over time.
In other universities especially for religious universities, they talk about religion in a good things for their selves and bad things for others. It causes religion disintegration. They will say that the community and they are the most correct. In Humanistic Study 1, we will not just talk about a religion and deny others, but here we will open our mind to have one way in diversity.
I said “yours will never be ours” as my reflection title. Why do I say that? Because unity life in diversity it does not mean that I will have no a guide or religion in my life and join in every single religion as a part of them. Everyone must have religion to be his or her guidance of life. After that, we keep our belief, tolerate and respect others. Are we still different? Yes, absolutely. Theirs will never be ours and ours forever will be ours.
How far my thinking is of this lesson! Hehehehe
Yes, those are my reflection of this lesson in the beginning. I think in those sentences I already forget that in this lesson will not just talk about religion but also others. I really pay attention to religion topic because I love talking about this. I hope there will be no internal attack next time in this lesson. The last is I hope I will capable to do every single assignment well.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Reflection of Use of English in Teaching: Spoken Language
It was the first class meeting of this subject. This subject is usually called UET, it is simpler than the complete name. I was surprised when I knew that Mam Luz is the lecturer for this subject. She was my lecturer in semester 1 (IELL subject). In semester 1, she switched English and Indonesian in teaching and explaining materials, but for this subject which is in semester 3 she teaches and explains fully English.
This subject talks about how to say something grammatically correct and meaningful in classroom context. Before I knew this subject, I never tough that there are some guidelines to face students in classroom when students come late, don not bring their books, do not do homework and many other conditions. Those are discussed here. As a great English candidate teacher, it is not enough to speak fluently, but also it is important to know how to give the clear instruction for students.
I hope I will be able to do every single assignment well. Bismillahirrahmanirrahiim...
This subject talks about how to say something grammatically correct and meaningful in classroom context. Before I knew this subject, I never tough that there are some guidelines to face students in classroom when students come late, don not bring their books, do not do homework and many other conditions. Those are discussed here. As a great English candidate teacher, it is not enough to speak fluently, but also it is important to know how to give the clear instruction for students.
I hope I will be able to do every single assignment well. Bismillahirrahmanirrahiim...
Monday, April 4, 2011
Monday, March 14, 2011
Kenali Allah..... niscaya Allah akan mengenalmu
ini hanyalah sedikit refleksi dari pengajian yang kemarin aku ikuti dan ingin sedikit berbagi dengan kalian semua. Pengajian ini disampaikan oleh Aa' Gym, pasti sudah tidak asing lagi bukan.
Ilmu mengenal Allah adalah ilmu yang paling mudah, akan tetapi karena kemudahannya satiap orang sangat mudah pula kehilangannya.
Kemanakah kamu pergi ketika kamu menghadapi sebuah kesulitan ?
Kemanakah kamu mengadu ketika kamu merasa tersakiti ?
Kemanakah kamu berlari ketika kamu tersingkirkan ?
orang tuamu ?
sahabatmu ?
ataukah kekasihmu ?
itu berarti kamu belum mengenal Allah,
Dia yang dekat dengan kita lebih dari dekatnya urat nadi,
maka mulai sekarang,
Kenalilah Allah niscaya Allah akan mengenalmu
Kenalilah Allah dikala kamu senang niscaya Dia akan mengenalmu ketika susah
Ilmu mengenal Allah adalah ilmu yang paling mudah, akan tetapi karena kemudahannya satiap orang sangat mudah pula kehilangannya.
Kemanakah kamu pergi ketika kamu menghadapi sebuah kesulitan ?
Kemanakah kamu mengadu ketika kamu merasa tersakiti ?
Kemanakah kamu berlari ketika kamu tersingkirkan ?
orang tuamu ?
sahabatmu ?
ataukah kekasihmu ?
itu berarti kamu belum mengenal Allah,
Dia yang dekat dengan kita lebih dari dekatnya urat nadi,
maka mulai sekarang,
Kenalilah Allah niscaya Allah akan mengenalmu
Kenalilah Allah dikala kamu senang niscaya Dia akan mengenalmu ketika susah
Friday, March 11, 2011
Allah Maha Kaya...... ( gx percaya..???)
"Allah Maha Kaya"
itulah kata yang disampaikan bapak padaku ketika aku berangkat menuju tempat menuntut ilmu yang tidaklah dekat. dia selalu mengingatkan aku untuk tidak bersekolah ataupun kuliyah untuk mencari pekerjaan, tapi dia berkata bersekolahlah kamu, kuliyahlah kamu untuk menuntut ilmu. dia selalu mengingatkan aku untuk tidak khawatir akan kesuksesanku dimasa depan, karena Allah pasti akan mengangkat orang yang berilmu dan beriman beberapa derajat.
kebanyakan orang menilai kesuksesan hanyalah dari segi berapa gaji yang bisa dia dapat dari pekerjaannya dalam sebulan, akan tetapi itu bukanlah kesuksesan yang sejati. apalah arti kekayaan sedangkan masih ada lagi Maha yang memiliki segala kekayaan, Allah.
kesuksesan yang sejati ialah ketika kita dapat memberikan banyak manfaat kepada orang-orang yang ada disekitar kita dan tidak menyakitinya. cukuplah dengan itu, niscaya Allah yang Maha Kaya akan mencukupkan segalanya untukmu....
itulah kata yang disampaikan bapak padaku ketika aku berangkat menuju tempat menuntut ilmu yang tidaklah dekat. dia selalu mengingatkan aku untuk tidak bersekolah ataupun kuliyah untuk mencari pekerjaan, tapi dia berkata bersekolahlah kamu, kuliyahlah kamu untuk menuntut ilmu. dia selalu mengingatkan aku untuk tidak khawatir akan kesuksesanku dimasa depan, karena Allah pasti akan mengangkat orang yang berilmu dan beriman beberapa derajat.
kebanyakan orang menilai kesuksesan hanyalah dari segi berapa gaji yang bisa dia dapat dari pekerjaannya dalam sebulan, akan tetapi itu bukanlah kesuksesan yang sejati. apalah arti kekayaan sedangkan masih ada lagi Maha yang memiliki segala kekayaan, Allah.
kesuksesan yang sejati ialah ketika kita dapat memberikan banyak manfaat kepada orang-orang yang ada disekitar kita dan tidak menyakitinya. cukuplah dengan itu, niscaya Allah yang Maha Kaya akan mencukupkan segalanya untukmu....
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
apakah ini dirimu ...?
Aku baru aja baca buku yang judulnya "Orang Miskin (boleh) sukses sekolah" karya M Sanusi. Buku ini bener-bener ngasih motivasi banget buat aku. Orang-orang sukses yang udah nyeritain pengalaman masa lalu pedihnya di buku ini mengingatkan aku ke diriku sendiri yang aku rasa persis. tapi masih da banyak keraguan dalam diriku untuk menempuh jalan ku kedepan. Memang bener apa yang di bilang di buku ini kalau motivasi dari orang tua yang kaya dan orang tua yang miskin akan memberi semangat yang berbeda pada seorang anak, karena orang tua yang kaya hanya akan memberi motifasi dengan menjamin dalam biaya. tapi motivasi dari orang tua yang miskin hanyalah sebatas doa dan selanjutnya kembali pada anak itu sendiri.
aku emang gx bisa kuliyah d kampuz yangluar biasa, tapi suatu saat nanti aku akan menjadi orang penting di lingkungan yang luar biasa......
aku emang gx bisa kuliyah d kampuz yangluar biasa, tapi suatu saat nanti aku akan menjadi orang penting di lingkungan yang luar biasa......
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Semangat kerja hari pertama (Wed, Day 64)
Aku pagi bangun jam 9nan lewat. Sengaja, tadi pagi ngantuk banget. Langsung siap-siap dandan cantik buat kerja hari pertama ke kampus sama T...
Sejujurnya, gak banyak yang aku ingat di hari Selasa ini. Aku ini nulisnya di malem Senin. Udah lewat waktu sebetulnya. Daripada bolong, men...
Akhir pekan kami masih berlanjut. Meskipun semaleman tidurku kurang nyaman, kaki berasa ngilu banget. Kecapean kayanya jalan kesana kemari n...
Setelah kemaren meluangkan waktu buat bersantai dikit sama temen-temen, hari ini waktunya bangkit mengejar yang kemarin sempet tertunda. Be...